10 Deep Sea Creatures You Won’t Believe Exist

Written By

Sanjeev Vekariya

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With jagged teeth and a glowing lure, the anglerfish is the stuff of nightmares. 

1. Anglerfish

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Meet the goblin shark, a prehistoric-looking creature with an extendable jaw that shoots out like a slingshot! This eerie predator lurks in the deep, waiting to ambush its next meal.

2. Goblin Shark

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Despite its spooky name, the vampire squid isn’t a bloodsucker—it uses jet propulsion and glowing bioluminescence to escape predators in the pitch-black abyss.

3. Vampire Squid

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Straight out of a horror movie, the frilled shark resembles a serpent with its long, eel-like body and rows of needle-sharp teeth. It’s one of the ocean’s oldest species!

4. Frilled Shark

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Looking like an overgrown pill bug, the giant isopod roams the ocean floor, feasting on carcasses. These creatures can grow up to 2.5 feet long!

5. Giant Isopod

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Imagine seeing through your own skull! The barreleye fish has a transparent head, revealing its glowing green eyes that rotate to track prey.

6. Barreleye Fish

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With fangs too big for its mouth, the fangtooth fish looks terrifying despite being only a few inches long. Its oversized teeth help it grab prey in total darkness.

7. Fangtooth Fish

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Not all deep-sea creatures are scary! The Dumbo octopus has flapping ear-like fins (like Disney’s Dumbo!) and gracefully hovers along the ocean floor.

8. Dumbo Octopus

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Armed with a light-producing lure, the deep-sea dragonfish uses bioluminescence to attract prey before devouring them with its massive teeth.

9. Deep-Sea Dragonfish

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This bizarre eel can expand its mouth like a balloon to swallow prey much larger than itself! It’s a rare sight in the deep sea.

10. Gulper Eel

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