7 Creatures That Glow in the Dark

Written By

Sanjeev Vekariya

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Fireflies twinkle in the night, flashing signals to attract mates.

1. Fireflies

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Deep-sea jellyfish like the Atolla jellyfish use glowing rings to escape predators.

2. Glow-in-the-Dark Jellyfish

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Hanging from cave ceilings, they use bioluminescence to lure prey into sticky traps.

3. Glow Worms

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Lanternfish light up their bodies to blend into the ocean twilight zone.

4. Lanternfish

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Shine UV light on a scorpion, and it glows neon blue!

5. Glowing Scorpion

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Foxfire fungi glow in eerie green hues in dark forests!

6. Magical Fungi Glow

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From the ocean depths to the forest floor, nature’s glow is everywhere!

Nature’s Light Show Never Ends!

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